Monthly Archives: January 2010

Home Based Business Ideas

You’ve heard of all the successful home based business ideas and wonder if you could come up with something as fresh and innovative in order to gain your own independence and career freedom. You can. There are a number of home based business ideas running around your head. You just need to learn to focus them to find the right home based business idea for you.

The Next Revolution in the Accounting Industry

The next revolution in the accounting industry, after the advent of computers and software, has some strange characteristics. This revolution could kill quite a few accounting practices while create fortunes for those that survive. Many accountants are quite unaware of this coming revolution while they alert ones are taking advantage of it and running ahead with it. Very soon they will be way ahead and out of reach for others to catch on.

Mom’s Home Based Business

Women from all walks of life are looking to work from home or create an online home-based business. Many have a burning desire to own their own business, while others may be stay at home moms simply wanting to spend more time with their families.

10 Things To Keep In Mind While Picking Office Furniture

Office furniture – the term usually conjures up images desks, cubicles and chairs. We rarely think beyond it. But these days, there is more to it than a single functional unit. Today, your office furniture has to do more for you; it has to multi-task just like you do. Moreover, it has to accommodate your stationary, your rolodex as well as your technology infrastructure!

Online Jewelry Store

On a day-to-day basis we see everyday people turning to the Internet to start online businesses of one sort or another. One of the reasons is that the cost of startup is minimal. Think about it! You can do it all from the comfort of your home without the overhead necessary for items such as storefronts etc.