Monthly Archives: January 2010

Mom, Are You Happy?

I’m a new Stay at Home Mom and I’m just miserable. I love my baby, but I miss my career and my co-workers. Going back to work isn’t an option. But, how can I be happy? What can I do? Signed – Miserable in MO Dear Miserable, Making the transition from a busy career woman to a stay at home mom can be quite a struggle, especially if you really enjoyed your job and your co-workers. I’ve been there! Don’t get me wrong. Being a Stay at home mom is a great job. I’ve been an ...

Become The Go – To Expert In Your Industry

One of the easiest ways to drive prospective clients and customers to your business is to become the expert in your field. The term Expert carries credibility and prestige that can open many doors for you, and, oddly enough, the term is relatively easy to acquire. This simple three step process can help you quickly and easily set yourself up as the expert in your field. Step 1: Determine Your Niche Instead of trying to be everything to everybody, narrow down your focus ...

An Online Work At Home Business Is A Real Business – Really?

I suspect that far too many people fall into the trap of thinking that an online business is easier to start and run than an offline business. It is possible that an online business could require less money up front to start but I’m not convinced less work is an option – unless you have that so-called “magic selling” product. Most people starting out with an online business probably do not fully understand what they are getting involved with. They understand the internet, ...