Monthly Archives: January 2010

The History of Invoice Factoring

Factoring is one of the oldest business practices known. We know that it was used at least as long ago as the time of the Ancient Roman Empire, when merchants would enlist the help of collectors in order to settle trade debts. The primary reason for factoring’s long history is that it addresses a very fundamental problem in business itself: cash flow.

Home Based Business Ideas

You’ve heard of all the successful home based business ideas and wonder if you could come up with something as fresh and innovative in order to gain your own independence and career freedom. You can. There are a number of home based business ideas running around your head. You just need to learn to focus them to find the right home based business idea for you.

Online Home Based Business

Gone are the days of secretaries being tied to desks outside the boss’s office. With the advancement of technology, a new online home based business is developing along with it – the virtual assistant. This online home based business allows someone to do almost all of the administrative tasks necessary for a business from home, which benefits both the employer and the virtual assistant. By not having to pay for benefits, an online home based business as a virtual assistant becomes appealing especially to smaller companies on a smaller budget.

Mattress Cleaning and Sanitizing Dealerships: A Great Business That Helps People

With so many business opportunities available both online and offline, finding the right one for you can be difficult. If you're interested in a great opportunity that improves the quality of people's lives while creating an excellent income for yourself, you should look into acquiring a mattress cleaning and sanitizing business. It's an opportunity to start a worthwhile business with very little investment required and it’s right for today’s mindset, where we’re all thinking “Green”.

Must-Do Before Starting Up A Work At Home Business

The thought of earning a residual income without leaving the comfort of your own home is really appealing and interesting. That's the main reason why there are more and more people who want to invest in a work at home business. But the truth is, while the number people who prefer to work at home increases, work-at-home schemes also grow and easily outnumbered the good opportunities. Before you decide to put up a work at home business, there are lots of things that you have to...

Being Competitive in a Global Market

The challenges of today's global marketplace are forcing companies to look at doing things differently in order to get that extra edge over their competition. According to Makino, a global provider of advanced machining technology, companies doing things the same way they have been doing them for the last 10 to 15 years are probably in a "recurring uniform trap," or "RUT," while the global market is passing them by.