Monthly Archives: January 2010

Maintaining a Professional Image for Your Home-Based Business

Most of us can easily list off 5 professional, and consequently unprofessional, business experiences we’ve had recently. Our interaction with these businesses may have been in the form of an email, a retail shopping experience, or a telephone conversation. In several cases, the deciding factor between a professional and an unprofessional experience may have been something so small, so simple, yet so significant.

Moms, What Will It Take For You To Stay At Home?

With the cost of living constantly on the rise, it's getting harder and harder for moms to say at home with their children. As the price of housing, gas, insurance, and everything else skyrockets, millions of women are having to forego their dream of being a stay-home mom. Even if you're married, with a spouse who earns a very nice paycheck, staying at home can mean a big change in your lifestyle. You and your kids will have to do without many of the nice things in life, a...

“The Best Tip All Year Silent Profit Machine”

When I first downloaded The Silent Profit Machine and read it, I was so excited because i am sick of all the hype online,these day's. I’ve bought plenty of products myself online this year none of them were good to tell you the truth. PP2W and the Silent Profit Machine are the 2 best this year for me.O.K then lets get down to business. The Silent Profit Machine is little, 16 pages ebook you can download for free. It's actually affiliate marketing program.This is an excellent program for a First Timer or a Top Marketer.