Monthly Archives: January 2010

Job Application Cover Letter Sample.

When you are looking for a job, you will need to have a great resume, but you also need an amazing cover letter to get the attention of the potential employer. There are a places you can look for a job application cover letter sample to help you in designing your own cover letter. However, some samples are better than others, so you will need to know how to determine if what you are looking at is a good job application cover letter sample.

So, You Want To Be A Work From Home Mom?

What exactly are the options for a mom to make money at home? Unfortunately, there are scams everywhere – some you may have heard of sound too good to be true – and they usually are. Oftentimes, women lose a lot of money before they even find a legitimate opportunity, let alone one that they love. Below, you’ll find a list of popular work from home options. They all have benefits and drawbacks. What may be great for one woman may not even be of interest to another woman...

Should I Register for VAT?

Those setting up a new business sometimes think they cannot register for VAT until they have reached a certain turnover (wrong), others feel the last thing they want to do is register for VAT, its just more admin and more tax isn't it?