Monthly Archives: January 2010

Shopping For Small Business Services

Should you be in the early stages of a business start-up then there are elements to your personal business banking service which you should be looking for – and if you haven’t yet set up an account now is the time to take a deep breath and go shopping! It’s a competitive market, and it’s often hard to be sure which services you should be looking for to provide the best service for your small business. Certainly the basics such as a business current account, savings account...

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Shift Your Growth into the Fast Lane by Engaging Your Customers

Do you feel like you have the “pedal to the metal,” spending all you can on advertising but still can’t get the growth of your business into the fast lane? The fact is, if your customers aren’t engaged, it may not matter how much you spend on advertising. Just like a car in neutral isn’t going anywhere (no matter how much gas you give it) until the transmission is engaged, your business isn’t going anywhere until your customers are engaged. There are ways to engage them.