Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Questioner’s Art

Today we look at one of the nuances of the SPIN questioning model. It’s the “forking paths” dilemma: During a sales call, you uncover a buyer problem that has multiple implications, some of which lead, in turn, to further implications

Your Home Business Success Starts With Your Passion

In whatever career you may find yourself in, there is no such thing as "information overload." Know as much as you can, do what others do, and what the entire company does. Equip yourself with a total knowledge of your work environment, enough to make you feel like you own the network. Who knows, you may someday. Walking an extra mile, being organized at work, honesty, trust-worthiness, dependability, being a team player, loyalty, and resourcefulness are the must-be charac...

The Project Management Mindset

Project management as a science and art is undergoing key transformations as a result of countless stories of failed projects, cost overruns, and canceling that project that took 2 years of your employee's lives. Needless to say, these scenarios not only cost money, time, and lost opportunities, but also have a longer term impact on the overall morale of a workforce.

Develop and Maintain Positive Relationships Immediately Using Only Four Ingredients

I often heard in counseling situations that "He says he loves me, but he never shows it." What this person was actually saying was that she heard it in words but was not convinced by his actions (usually a lack of action). Remember the old adage: "Action speaks louder than words."? It could not be truer here.

Managing Staff By Talking To Them

As a cleaning company we place a very high value on our staff, they can make or break your business. They are our greatest asset and also our greatest liability. Consequently maintaining an excellent working environment and keeping staff well motivated is one of our primary goals. The same applies to most businesses although it is especially important in the cleaning industry because of the potentially high turn over of staff that is somewhat traditional in this field. We...

Designers And Architects – Are Aesthetics More Important Than Practicalities

As a cleaning company we get called in to carry out builders cleans on new builds and refurbishments. Time and time again what we see is that the designer has had something built, laid or put in place solely on the grounds that it looks good with no regard as to how it will stand up to use or the practicalities of trying to keep it clean and looking good. They produce their design, see it through to the finish and then walk away. Only later does it become apparent that it is ...