Monthly Archives: January 2010

Top 2008 Home Job Locater

Millions of people are taking advantage of the opportunities afforded them, because the Internet. Where else can you get access to so many people for such a minimal costs? People are looking to work from home, yet many are unsure which ones to choose and how to start.

The Evolution Of Employee Motivation

The concept of employee motivation is not at all a new idea. It has been around as long as there have been employees and employers. While the concept itself is not new, new research and awareness have made new aspects of employee motivation not only a possibility, but a reality in the world today. It was not at all uncommon in the past for an employer to offer some system of rewards and privileges as a means of employee motivation. Recent thinking however has given way to ...

Management Gurus

This article is designed to introduce relatively unknown management gurus, and their ideas, to managers and professionals in all sectors, but is aimed particularly at providing reading suggestions for those who are studying management development courses or professional qualifications, by distance learning or in the classroom, in order to develop their careers.

Executive Career Coaching: Providing Solutions To Succession Planning Challenges

Organizations today are facing several challenges and talent management is one of the greatest. According to a poll conducted by OI Partners, Inc., the number one challenge facing the HR profession is leadership development and succession planning. Attracting, developing, and retaining quality talent is more costly and has a greater impact on the bottom-line than ever before. Retiring baby-boomers, the expectations of Gen X and Gen Y employees, and the new definition of “long...

The Employee Time Clock

Many of us still remember those punch clocks that our parents used to punch in and out of work, these machines were planned to keep an eye on the time employees spent and hopefully worked at the work place. For many years, companies have relied on employee time clocks to accurately record how many hours are worked by each employee every week. Even though clocks have changed, these companies need to have some type of system that they can use to create payroll and ensure emp...

Cut Health Plan Costs By Cutting Out the Managed Care Middleman

Cutting out the managed care middleman and contracting directly with medical providers may seem like a drastic way to cut health plan costs. Yet for employers whipsawed by relentless cost increases, it may be the only solution that works. The profit-bloated managed care industry, with much to lose, has propagated many myths why this sensible approach won't work. This article debunks the myths about direct provider contracting and sheds light on this ingenious cost-containment strategy.

Management Consultancy interviews – planning to succeed

“Recruitment at management consultancies is highly buoyant but the competition for these positions is still intense - according to one survey there are over two hundred applicants for every role in strategy consulting! The vast majority of these will be screened out at the C.V. stage and go no further – but if you do get through to the interview stage the following advice may prove highly valuable. “