Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Employee Time Clock

Many of us still remember those punch clocks that our parents used to punch in and out of work, these machines were planned to keep an eye on the time employees spent and hopefully worked at the work place. For many years, companies have relied on employee time clocks to accurately record how many hours are worked by each employee every week. Even though clocks have changed, these companies need to have some type of system that they can use to create payroll and ensure emp...

Top 2008 At Home Moms Jobs

Women are turning to the Internet in hopes of increasing their income and getting some of their time back. Many have a family along with a burning desire to stay at home with their children. Others simply want to work from the comfort of their home and get rid of their day job. One thing is for sure women are tired of staying in the same old ball and chain rut of the typical work place.

Management Consultancy interviews – planning to succeed

“Recruitment at management consultancies is highly buoyant but the competition for these positions is still intense - according to one survey there are over two hundred applicants for every role in strategy consulting! The vast majority of these will be screened out at the C.V. stage and go no further – but if you do get through to the interview stage the following advice may prove highly valuable. “

The Effectiveness Of Online Training

Online training is known by numerous names and acronyms—computer-based training (CBT), web-based training (WBT), cyber-training, distance learning, e-learning, etc. By whatever name, online training is a method of delivering training through an electronic medium without the immediate presence of a human instructor. By taking advantage of technology, online training can be more cost effective by delivering more knowledge in a more flexible and efficient manner. There are di...

Management Basics. Enjoy the Perks !!

A "Carreer" in managementoffers many benefits. What is not commonly understood is that most of the basic concepts of management are actually basic simple common sense . And tha t most of the management types you will work with are idiots. Learn the basics of management and you will stead fast Put in your time in and Enjoy the Perks .

Top 10 Work at Home Jobs

People are swarming to the Internet for hope in creating extra income. Many do just that and some have replaced their day job. How exciting is that? The opportunities are there they just have to be found and then taken advantage of. Many are afraid to give themselves a chance. If you are one of these people you have to take chances in life to be successful. Most of the Top 10 programs are very inexpensive and easily affordable so give yourself a chance at the American Dream.

Would you like to Make Money Online?

Hidden away was the news that spending on Internet advertising is going to exceed 10 Billion Dollars this year, for the first time ever. The actual figure for the year is over $13 billion, and roughly translated into real money that’s £7.5 Billion. Why is this important and what’s this got to do with your home-based online business?

Working From Home Works!!!

About six months ago (September 2005) I started looking on the web for ways to make money from home; I’m an online college student who has a lot of time on his hands. I was surprised to see so many different avenues of income possibilities; I quickly realized a lot of these programs were scams. I’m a young guy who was new to internet marketing; I fell for the get rich quick schemes and lost a couple hundred dollars. We all hate loosing money but when you are going to school a...