Monthly Archives: January 2010

Enticing New Employees With Corporate Stability

Employment is on the rise and with it, the return to attractive compensation packages and salary levels. After several down years in the employment market that was the result of the normalization of an inflated stock market and the beginning of the War on Terror, employers are constructing compensation packages with an eye to drawing dedicated employees. During the economic bubble of the late nineties, employers were in head-to-head competition with each other to offer be...

Make business simple – Provide and Survive

All business is fundamentally the same. There are two key elements to all businesses – ‘Provide’ a product or service and ‘Survive’ by making a profit. Clients are only interested in one thing – the benefit of the end product or service they are buying at a ‘fair’ price. The flip side of this is profit. The combination of all the elements that go on behind the scenes all cost money. Knowing the sum of all these costs and charging them to the client is the process of doing business. Business is the supply of a product or a service to a client at a given price that will allow the company to continue to trade, making all business fundamentally the same. They must provide and survive.

The Balanced Direct Sales Mom

If you're already in direct sales, you know that it's not always easy to keep the priorities straight. Particularly when your business is just starting, but also when you get things going at a good clip in your business, direct sales can take on a life of its own and quickly cross the boundaries of happy home life. Here are 10 quick tips for helping to keep the Mom part of your life at the forefront while still running a successful Direct Sales business. 1. Plan - Sit down...

Entertain Your Staff For Larger Profits

Today’s employees, particularly those involved with corporate finance and other major business sectors, are leaning more towards corporate event management and corporate entertainment as a key source of contentment and happiness at work. This reflects the emergence of what has become defined as corporate culture - one that recognizes the need to keep staff happy through team games, special event days and other activities that help build camaraderie and teamwork. 1. Happy W...

Tips To Keep In Mind While Choosing Bedroom Furniture

Experts believe that almost 1/3rd of our lives are spent inside our bedrooms. It's a natural process and most of us aren't even aware of the fact that we spend such a lot of time in our bedrooms. Its place we go to bed at night, and the place we wake up in. We prefer it over all other rooms and try to relax in our bedrooms. This essentially means that we need to make our bedrooms as comfortable as possible and this can only be done by using the right kind of furniture.