Monthly Archives: January 2010

Working At Home? This May Help…

When you work from home, one of the hardest things to get right is knowing where to do your work. In your bedroom? In a special home office? Well, here are a few pointers. A Dedicated Space is Best. I really believe that you won't get far unless you set aside a space and use it for work only. Why? Well, if you use your work space for things other than work, then you'll get distracted by anything you leave there. Other people in the family might become frustrated by not ...

CPAs vs. Non-Certified Accountants – Clearing Up The Confusion

I wish I had a nickel for every time someone asked me what the difference is between CPAs and non-certified accountants. Essentially, non-certified accountants can simply hang up their shingle and open their doors for business. There are no educational requirements. If they want to prepare taxes, most states require a certain number of qualified hours of study plus continuing education hours each year. By contrast, CPAs have usually majored in accounting in college; sat f...

Leasing Virtual Employees

Business Outsourcing is a widely known compelling strategic management option several companies are adopting nowadays. From small to large scale establishments, they have been using it to continually maintain their stable status in today’s overly competitive market. Its emerging power as a business tool is undoubted...

CPA Exam

When you pass the CPA exam you have literally opened the door to a world of opportunities. You are a highly respected finance professional in the United States and internationally, and you are in the upper echelons of financial management.

Employee Rewards Reap Results

The way you reward people forms an essential foundation for effective people management. Money is by no means the only motivator of people, but too little money demotivates powerfully. Studies have shown that material reward is far more powerful than monetary. 1. How To Determine Levels Of Reward To determine how much reward is appropriate, consider the question what level of employee reward will attract, retain, and motivate people of the calibre that you require. If ...