Monthly Archives: January 2010

Team Building Ideas

There are numerous team building ideas i that can increase employee creativity and morale. Some popular ones are art activities, cooking, outdoor activities (scavenger hunts, wilderness survival stimulations), etc.

Tips for a Home Base Business

Tips for a home base business. Setting up a website, promoting the website by advertising and trying to direct traffic to your website. Setting up a good autopresponder that will take care of the tedious details and make it so that you don't have to spend hours responding to your customers.

Keep Your Lunch Money!!!

Ahh, we all remember the bully from grade school who performed his usual schoolyard shake down on anyone who was intimidated enough to make with the lunch money or go home with a shiner on the eye. However, many of our childhood stories of bullies end up in some kid finally having the courage to stand up and say ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!’ Times haven’t changed all that much when it comes to the workplace. Increasingly, employees are educating themselves, (or in some cases, educat...

Work From Home, Why and How?

I am the owner of a work from home 4 and I imagine if you are like me that you have a good idea as to why, but most like myself don’t really know how. First lets begin with the why we would want to Work From Home. I have listed below a few reasons why you would want to work from home and They are as follows: