Monthly Archives: January 2010

Keep Your Lunch Money!!!

Ahh, we all remember the bully from grade school who performed his usual schoolyard shake down on anyone who was intimidated enough to make with the lunch money or go home with a shiner on the eye. However, many of our childhood stories of bullies end up in some kid finally having the courage to stand up and say ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!’ Times haven’t changed all that much when it comes to the workplace. Increasingly, employees are educating themselves, (or in some cases, educat...

Corporate Identity Management

Competition is great in the market world today and in order to get your business noticed, you will need good corporate identity management. You need to bring together all of the good qualities of your company as well as emphasizing what a great benefit your company will be to those who use your services. Good corporate identity management will do just that if handled properly. It will give your business a clear positioning towards your customers and prospective customers as w...

Corporate Gift Ideas

Giving gifts is an incomparable scheme, the goal of that is to bring a smile to the person who will receive the gift. In turn, it leaves a lasting impression on the person that tells how much you value him or her. No wonder why people values the idea of giving and receiving gifts. In reality, gifts are symbols of one’s point of view and feelings towards the other person. They embody our family whenever we are away from our loved ones; our friends back home whenever we pass by...

Mobile CRM – It’s Here Now

Today’s workforce is truly mobile. Most of us now work at the office, from home and on the road. ‘On demand access’ to critical customer information from anywhere is becoming a ‘must have’ facility. Now customers demand CRM access using a remote desktop or laptop accessing data through the Internet or on a handheld device. Suppliers are expected to have all the information at their fingertips at the moment of interaction. The same insight into their business and affairs ar...

Team Building Activities

Some of the essentials of team building include: emphasizing a team focus on shared goals, maintaining individual commitment to these goals, identifying problem areas and working together to overcome these, developing clear strategies to achieve goals, and celebrating achievements together.