Monthly Archives: January 2010

Build Bridges Not Walls – Employee Recognition

Regular, one-on-one assessments with your staff provide an efficient two-way forum with which to set and review realistic achievement targets, provide feedback on performance, and listen to and consider any problems employees may have. For example, a sales executive may feel that he or she is under performing, when in fact sales targets have been set too high. During the appraisal, these targets could be reviewed and set at more realistic levels. And after the goals have been...

Sucessful Team Building Techniques

In business, it does not matter whether you work in a typical office a shop or a factory. You are built up of a group individuals with specific goals towards producing the goods that the company sells. This is what defines a team. From the most mundane task like answering a phone call, to the most complicated job like designing products, every individual making up the team plays an important role. As a whole, every employee is working towards a common goal which is to earn pr...


The task of managing industries and businesses in the modern era is infinitely more complex than it was a few decades back. The large scale of operations, globalization, mass production environment and multiple units have all contributed to the complexity of business endeavors. Tools that help simplify the work environment are a boon in such a dynamic business situations.

Inventory Control: Can You Afford Not To?

Inventory control is the most basic form of protection that you should have in your retail establishment. If you have people come into your location, then you need to make sure they are not leaving with anything that they should not be. But, many business owners do not know the right way to handle inventory control. There are various methods that you can use and they all work well in their specialties. If you have had enough with shoplifting, employees stealing or other loss ...