Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Success brought by a Medical / Nurse Staffing Agency Business

Beginning a Medical / Nurse Staffing Agency Business apparently would be one of the biggest progressions in order to help lessen the nursing shortage crisis occurring here in the US. In the bad side, a lot of entrepreneurs interested being involved in this type of business fails only because they are insufficient in the proper guidance needed to succeed in this highly challenging field. Our recruiting manual comprises just about every perspective in the recruitment process.

International Package Forwarding

Do you have a bad experience when trying to buy products internationally? Do you think the shipping charges are so high that they demoralize you from purchasing outside your country? Do you have concerns about the quality of the products? If you have affirmative answers to these questions, then all your complaints will not remain for long. There are a number of companies that offer international package forwarding services at an astonishingly lower cost. The USA based is one su

Successful Organizational Leadership: Effective Execution through Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment is the linkage between the goals of the business and the goals of each of the key contributors. The tighter the linkage and the better the alignment, the likelihood of flawless corporate execution becomes stronger. Strategic alignment has several advantages once implemented properly and practiced.

Boost Employee Morale With An Exciting Adventure Team Building Event!

Corporations faced with a bout of low employee morale should organise exciting team building events to turn things around. Depending on the company budget available, there are lots of team building activities that can be implemented. Corporate event planners can organize a trip to a resort and run a myriad of group activities that encourage collaboration between co-workers. What are some of the team building ideas that would make the event a success? Infusing a sense of ad...

Interesting Types Of Recognition

Especially when they are new to the business, people see their position in the company as fragile. They often need signs other than formal appraisals and skills inventories to help them to feel accepted and appreciated. Providing your staff with a diverse range of opportunities to represent the company is a great way of collecting information and rewarding performance in the workplace at the same time. Training Managers sometimes look on training as a necessary evil....

Successful Documentation Projects – Part 3 of 3 – ‘Writing’

So you understand your user documentation project and you’ve specced it out. Now you’re ready to write. Here’s some tips to help you on your way. This article isn’t about the actual writing itself; it’s about the things which go along with the writing. (For information on writing online help, see