Monthly Archives: January 2010

Choosing The Right Uniform For Your Employees

If you are an employer or business owner and you need to choose a uniform for your employees, there are several factors you should consider before doing so. Since changing uniforms would be an expensive, time consuming hassle, you want to make sure to pick the best uniform when you start. Of course, you also have the option of not choosing a uniform, but instituting dress code. For example, you might require employees in your IT department to wear blue jeans, a solid color...

Boost Employee Morale With An Employee Incentive Program

Is there a lull in your office? Are your employees not satisfied anymore with the way that you are manning the place? Good managers know from their own observations that employee attitude affects their work and eventually the company’s output. When your employees have a happy and healthy attitude the company will be able to reap the many benefits of this through the constant flow of good business as well as higher profits. But what if the employees are actually not happy ...

Innovative Thinking- Can it be done by a team?

Linux is named after Linus Torvalds, a Finnish programmer. Today Linux is one of the path breaking software which has been recognized all over the world. Linus Torvalds developed Linux all alone, but today since the source code is free to access and change, Linux goes on getting developed further by thousands of programmers working in groups or all alone. Here it was the creativity of one brain which gave birth to a concept. This concept has been developed to its present form by...

Choosing The Best Timesheet Software Package For Your Business

We’ve all heard about the gains in productivity and accountability that businesses can make from implementing a timesheet software system in their organization. However, with so many timesheet packages available on the market today, how do you know which package best meets your needs? The process of choosing the correct timesheet software for your business need not be as difficult as you may think.

Blind Spots — (If you don’t check your mirrors, you’re going to crash…)

For a driver, a blind spot is an area not easily seen. It may be the area the mirrors miss, either beside or behind the driver...or is simply forgotten by the driver. Accidents occur when the driver changes lanes and there is another car in their blind spot. As humans (and executives!), we have blind spots in our lives and businesses as well, and these blind spots cause all sorts of trouble.