Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Path To Freelance Success: The Secret Is Knowing Where To Look

Would you like to break out of a regular job and start freelancing? Perhaps you've got the skills, but are not quite sure where to start looking for work, or how to deal with the business side of freelance work? If you have web design or development, graphic design, programming, writing or translation skills then you will find opportunities waiting for you, if you know where to look.

Change Management: Getting It Right

Change management is something many companies may face throughout their existence. Whether something simple or a complete change, various things can be done to allow for a successful change. Management of the change effectively will allow for the best overall final product but it really just is not that simple. But, there are ways to get effective change management in such a way as to contribute to the betterment of the company. Change management is the management of chan...

Strategic Planning In The Business World

Strategic planning is a method of planning events in a strategic manner in order to accomplish the goal at hand. This type of planning works by looking at the whole picture and you then figure out how you are to get from one place to another. Probably the most important example of strategic planning is that which is done in the military. In this example, we could say that the strategy is to overtake an area while the tactical planning is how you will fight each battle. The st...


Columnist Nan Russell shares career insights learned over 20 years in the corporate world, including as a Vice President at QVC

Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting

Dry ice blasting, which is fast replacing traditional cleaning methods particularly in automotive, aviation, power, plastics and other such industries, offer some unique benefits. For instance, it consumes much less time, is a more thorough cleaning process, cuts down possibilities of damaging the equipment to almost nil and so on. Read on to find out why dry ice blasting is becoming the choice of a cross-section of industries.

Chairing A Meeting The Most effective Way

Meetings are very expensive. To count the true, collective cost of any meeting you need to add the cost of each person's salary for the time they spend in the meeting, the cost of time which could be spent undertaking other tasks and the emotional cost of being part of a meeting especially if the only decision which gets made is the date of the next meeting. Chairing an efficient, effective meeting is a skill - does yours need improving? 10 rules for chairing successful meetings.

Cash Flow – How To Collect 98% Of Business Debts In 28 Days

The most common cause of businesses failing is a lack of cash flow. Cash flow is the money coming in, compared to money going out. Your business plan will identify where, and when, your major business expenditures occur. These are unlikely times when your income is at a maximum. Businesses often run into cash flow problems because their customers delay paying their bills, or when their customers cannot pay their bills at all. Many individuals delay paying bills until...