Monthly Archives: January 2010

Attitudes Training Will Increase Productivity In Your Company And Home Based Business!

That's right! Understanding the power of atttitudes training will increase the productivity of your company and home based business! At the turn of the century, it used to be that employees learned they could get ahead at work if they checked their brains at the door. To get ahead, employees were encouraged merely to do as the employer dictated and not think while doing. With the complexities of today’s multi-technological work environment, employees and entrepreneurs c...

How To Save Millions Simply By Reducing The Cost Of Spending

Despite widespread agreement that effective expense management is critical to business success, there's still one aspect of expense management that tends to be handled badly. And it's costing many businesses millions each year! Ironically, it's a cost that can be drastically reduced (all but eliminated) overnight. I'm talking about the processing costs associated with purchases. They're called "transactional processing costs"; they're not the cost of the purchase itself, b...

How To Make Changes In Your Healthcare Organization

For many of us change is a difficult process. In organizations like healthcare it seems to advance at a snail’s pace sometimes. There is a need for change in healthcare, most agree, though we would be hard pressed to agree upon the changes needed. One incentive for change is pay-for-performance programs now beginning in several areas. I would like to describe a couple that affect primary care physicians and then give a few suggestions as to how to adopt changes to take advant...