Monthly Archives: January 2010

Asset management journal guide

Diligently managed assets of a business organization can make a lot of difference in its profit percentages. Judicious control over all tangible and intangible assets of a company makes sure that there are no leaking funds in the organization and all assets are utilized at maximum capacity.

Work At Home Directories – Why Use Them?

Work at home programs have grown in popularity over the past (5) five years. You have access to millions of people with a simple click of a mouse button. Due to this growth a niche in the market place was created and that is the work at home directory web sites. The will compile a list of researched programs on their sites broken down into different categories for your convenience.

Slow Cars To Superstars

Successful hiring, in any company, is one of the most difficult tasks in which to achieve repeatable success. From unexpected outbursts to terminal tardiness to woeful incompetence, every company has a hiring horror story regarding employees who interviewed strong but performed poorly. Perhaps a subtle, but more dangerous occurrence is the all-too-common hire who performs their job in the gray twilight of mediocrity. They never rise to the occasion and they never catastro...

Are You Working Alone?

Remember co-workers? Those annoying people who you're forced to share an office with -- some of them friends, but most of them insufferable. If you're anything like me, one of reasons for starting a home business was to get away from these people. And yet, when you do work at home all day, every day, you might find that you start to miss that kind of companionship, and feel more than a little lonely. All Alone... Picture the scene. You get up for another day of work. Yo...