Monthly Archives: January 2010

Trade Show Promotions

Along with conventional advertising and below the border activities, companies and corporate bodies have come to recognize that they must invest in trade shows in order to produce maximum recall for their product or trademark name. There are several benefits to participating in a trade show. Some of them are:

Selling Yourself

So often the personal aspects of creating a positive, successful business relationship are overlooked. This is the technique that all CEO’s and corporate giant directors started out utilizing. They were not born the head of a major company. They worked to get there, and they started with themselves.

Garage Sale Advertising – How To Get Tons Of Customers For Nearly Free

One of the biggest mistakes people make when holding a garage sale is not advertising enough. Most people think that it is enough to put a single ad in the local paper one week before the sale. Usually these people are too worried that they will lose money on their sale because the ad costs too much. That is nonsense. When you don't advertise much, you don't get many customers. When you don't get many customers, you have to sell at their price, because if you don't, there...

Types Of Catalog

There are many types of business that can benefit by producing a catalog. Many people are not aware of the benefits of designing some type of catalog for their business and ignore this great way to bring in more business. Almost any company can benefit from designing a catalog. In this article I will go over some of the different types of catalogs your business can design. Some types of catalog will not apply to your business, but keep reading and think about your business...

Your Passport To The World – Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English in a foreign country can be an incredible challenge... and it can also be one of the most fulfilling experiences you'll ever have. Living abroad, absorbing the culture of another people, and using your native English knowledge to enlighten your students are all wonderful aspects of this rewarding career. But before you take the plunge and sign up for a job overseas, there are a few things you should consider about yourself and your intended path. Keep in m...