Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Best Home Business

Being an observer (and participant) of the home business community for the past few years, I've noticed something amusing (and a tad disturbing). This being the tendency of representatives to diminish and slam competing companies in an effort to make their own company look better. We see it all the time, big "flame wars" erupting on message forums, with everyone arguing that this company is better than that one. Even worse is when a new person poses a question about a particu...

Choosing A Home Business

With so many options and the world as your oyster, it can be difficult choosing a home business and deciding which one is right for you. Every day, many people embark on new business ventures in the hopes that they will find success. The key to choosing a home business that works is to choose something that you love. There are a number of ways to get ideas when choosing a home business. Take a moment to sit down and make a list of your favorite things. Perhaps you love to ...

How To Successfully Freelance From Home

Today, many people have learned how to successfully freelance from home. People who specialize in writing, web design, transcribing, accounting, even computer support are finding that is it possible to freelance from home, rather than going into the office every day. There are several ways you can start your freelance from home business. You can freelance work in your town or surrounding communities. To market yourself, you will need a good, professional resume. It will al...