Monthly Archives: January 2010

Equity: The Golden Handcuffs

Last month, I wrote about positioning your company to attract and keep top performers. One very effective way to do both is to compensate your key employees with equity. Performance pay has become a critical factor in keeping top talent; combine it with a sense of ownership and a stake in the future of the business, and you've got a powerful set of incentives. That is what equity does. The basic theory behind equity compensation is simple: generously pay your people in ...

Crisis Management

The Internet may have opened worlds for businesses and consumers, but it has also created a public relations nightmare for businesses. Forums, opinion Web sites, blogs, and anything that is publishable can smear a company's name in moments.

Make Sure You Recognize The Right Performance

Eleanor Valentine and Gary Yardley do basically the same job in an engineering company. They are both designers working on the same project and the Vice President has just made an announcement that special bonuses will be paid to employees making the best contribution in their field of expertise. The problem is, it's difficult to differentiate between Elly's work and Gary's work because they interact so closely. This example demonstrates a few things about reward and recog...

The CEO And The Yellow Notepad

It was just a Yellow, Legal sized Notepad, but it made this millionaire CEO's sales force more productive, less stressed and happier, at work and at home. How could a simple yellow notepad have such power? Here is the story: The millionaire CEO gave each of his employees a yellow, legal sized notepad and a pen. He also gave them these instructions: 1. Carry the notepad and pen with you at all times during your workday. Keep it handy, and within reach. 2. In th...

Make business simple – Provide and Survive

All business is fundamentally the same. There are two key elements to all businesses – ‘Provide’ a product or service and ‘Survive’ by making a profit. Clients are only interested in one thing – the benefit of the end product or service they are buying at a ‘fair’ price. The flip side of this is profit. The combination of all the elements that go on behind the scenes all cost money. Knowing the sum of all these costs and charging them to the client is the process of doing business. Business is the supply of a product or a service to a client at a given price that will allow the company to continue to trade, making all business fundamentally the same. They must provide and survive.

The Basics Of Project Management

Any project can only be successful if the people behind the project implements proper project management skills or hire a reputable and dependable project management group. Project management may sound like a complicated term and it really is as it involves the process of organizing the different factors involved in creating and completing a project. All projects should start out with a good plan so that the project creator would know the things required for the project...

The Balanced Direct Sales Mom

If you're already in direct sales, you know that it's not always easy to keep the priorities straight. Particularly when your business is just starting, but also when you get things going at a good clip in your business, direct sales can take on a life of its own and quickly cross the boundaries of happy home life. Here are 10 quick tips for helping to keep the Mom part of your life at the forefront while still running a successful Direct Sales business. 1. Plan - Sit down...