Monthly Archives: January 2010

Invoice Factoring As A Short-Term Cash Flow Solution

Invoice factoring refers to the practice where smaller companies sell invoices in order to receive money today. IN this case they do not have to wait for a credit period of 30, 60, or 90 days. Thus by selling invoices smaller companies do not create debt. This practice of invoice factoring is basically used as a finance management tool. This practice of invoice factoring is usually adopted to avoid any loans or giving any collateral against availing any loan. The fee for ...

Building a better Brick-and-Mortar with the Billion-dollar Web

More than $117 billion passed hands from Internet shoppers to Internet vendors in 2004, according to the statistical research firm comScore. That’s billion, with a B. Compared to the year before, the figure represents a whopping 24 percent increase in sales. Compared to the early 1990s, when the Web was a questionable commercial venture, today’s $117 billion is proof-positive that the Web is the full-fledged money-making machine.


The task of managing industries and businesses in the modern era is infinitely more complex than it was a few decades back. The large scale of operations, globalization, mass production environment and multiple units have all contributed to the complexity of business endeavors. Tools that help simplify the work environment are a boon in such a dynamic business situations.

Build Bridges Not Walls – Employee Recognition

Regular, one-on-one assessments with your staff provide an efficient two-way forum with which to set and review realistic achievement targets, provide feedback on performance, and listen to and consider any problems employees may have. For example, a sales executive may feel that he or she is under performing, when in fact sales targets have been set too high. During the appraisal, these targets could be reviewed and set at more realistic levels. And after the goals have been...