Monthly Archives: January 2010

Slow Cars To Superstars

Successful hiring, in any company, is one of the most difficult tasks in which to achieve repeatable success. From unexpected outbursts to terminal tardiness to woeful incompetence, every company has a hiring horror story regarding employees who interviewed strong but performed poorly. Perhaps a subtle, but more dangerous occurrence is the all-too-common hire who performs their job in the gray twilight of mediocrity. They never rise to the occasion and they never catastro...

Work at Home Common Mistakes

Many people are having great success working from the comfort of their home while others fail miserably. Why is that? I am going to make an attempt to help everyone understand the reason for this. It has a lot to do with individuals, ego, patience, objectives and due diligence.

Are You Taking Your Business Internationally?

At some point in your business' life, you might be contacted by someone in a far-away land who's heard about your business somehow (probably through the Internet). This will be your first encounter with the international market. For many businesses, once you've conquered your local area and done business by post or email with other areas of the country, dipping a toe into international markets seems like the next big step. Preparing to Export. When you're preparing to e...

Write A Winning Business Plan-The Neatest Trick In The Book

“Writing a business plan” sounds really tough, and it can be. But there are a number of things the smart entrepreneur can do to make it easier. For instance, justwhatkindofstuffyouthinkgetsreadlikethis? Imagine pages full of that, with virtually no margins, no paragraph breaks, no breathing room. Lenders, investors and angel investors are confronted with piles of business plans like that every day. Take a breath. Then lure your reader into the plan with snappy headlines...