Monthly Archives: January 2010

Brand New. 10 Secret And Effective Marketing Strategies

Marketing is one of the most important business factors. From my experience, I have just listed 10 effective marketing strategies that have helped my marketing development, and hope will help your business,too. Here are 10 secret and effective marketing strategies. 1. Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the director's home page. ...

How To Cultivate The Trust Factor In Business

In today’s highly competitive economy, it is difficult to maintain a significant market advantage based on your professional skills alone. Developing trusting relationships with your clients is vital to your business success as well. No matter what business you are in, the most powerful value-added contribution you can make to any business relationship is the trust factor. The trust factor is even more critical in today’s business climate with the level of trust in Corpora...

Work At Home

If you are ready to work at home, the first step is to not to quit your current job yet. Unless you don't have a job, and then you are ready to begin. Many people would love to find the perfect work at home job. The truth is that there is no perfect work at home job. What there is are a lot of jobs, opportunities and ways to make money working from home available.

Seven Keys To Get Out Of A Rut

Rut -- a routine procedure, situation, or way of life that has become uninteresting and tiresome... And not surprisingly, unprofitable. They say a rut is a shallow grave with two open ends. The good news (good news?!) is that the ends ARE still open, which means if you act fast, you just might out of it. How do we get into these ruts anyway? Who would voluntarily lie down in that grave, shallow or otherwise? Dr. Edward Debono suggests that thoughts are pathways literall...