Monthly Archives: January 2010

Action Vs. Inaction

Spring is a great antidote to long cold winters. It's the same with action and inaction. Action is a powerful antidote to the stagnation of inactivity. Being creatively alive involves abandoning a position of inaction in circumstances which have traditionally immobilized you. The name of the game is action. Doing. Overcoming your inertia and acting will give you a whole new lease on being creatively alive. Action is the single most effective antidote to depression, anxiet...

Birkenstocks & The Customizable Art Of Footwear

Birkenstocks are a German brand of quality footwear, which is best known for it’s contoured footbed. When most people purchase a new pair of shoes, they expect to have a ‘break-in’ time. This usually lasts for a few days and, at that time, the shoe is pretty comfortable and broken in for everyday wear. The main difference with Birkenstocks is that they approach the ‘break-in’ time much differently. When a pair of Birkenstocks are first purchased, they are more stiff than comm...

Accounting Professionals: Are They Necessary?

Does your business needs an outside accountant? It all depends. If you require an audited or reviewed financial statement, then, yes, you need a CPA. In any event, it is always a good idea to maintain a relationship with an accountant no matter how small your business. Whether your accountant is a CPA is up to you. The real question is: To what extent do you need outside accounting services? That also depends on you and the nature of your business. I always start with...

Bird by Bird

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by marketing. First, there’s so much to learn: What works? What’s a waste of your time? Where should you invest your energy and money? Then you have to prioritize: Where should you start? What’s the ONE THING that, if you don’t do anything else for a while, is your best first step?

Accounting Principles & Standards: Avoid Them At Your Peril

Accounting principles are the basic assumptions, rules of operation, and essential characteristics that make up the framework for the construction of accounting financial statements. Long ago, I was perplexed to discover that there was no “set” of accounting principles that was presented in one form such as you might find in the Bill of Rights. This is not to say that the principles are incomplete or vague, it only means that the definitions of accounting principles can b...