Monthly Archives: January 2010

How Do You Know You Are Getting Better? Use Data To Drive Improvement

The best quality improvement initiatives are driven by data! Why? How are you going to know how much you have improved if you don’t measure something? All of you have been exposed to measures in many situations. Most of them were important. In school, you were graded. Perhaps you own shares of stock; how do you measure the success of the stock—its increase in value, a measurement. How do you know if your team wins? By its score, a measurement. The fact is that many daily ...

Why Start a Home Business?

Working from home is a dream for many – but actually going ahead and starting a home business is very difficult. So what makes so many people want to do it, and why would you ever try such a crazy thing? Here are some common reasons, and some things to consider.

The Three Levels Of Work — And How You Can Increase Your Income With Very Little Effort

If you listen carefully, you'll hear people talking about ways they can make more money. Their strategies will be different depending on the kind of work they do. I was in a convenience store when I heard the clerk tell another employee how he was putting in lots of overtime. It was long hours of work, but he was eagerly doing it to get a little extra cash on payday. Another day I was waiting in the lobby of a big corporation. I heard several executives discuss how much...

Why Some Work At Home Programs Don’t Work!

Work at home programs have grown in popularity in recent years. You have access to millions of people with access to the Internet.There are hundreds of programs to choose from and millions of everyday people looking to work from home. Why do some work at home programs not work out for subscribers? I don't claim to be an expert, but from my years on the Internet, experience as owner of a work at home web site; I will try my best to shed some light on this subject.

How Do You Afford A Receptionist?

My answer. You can't NOT afford a receptionist. I didn't have one for about 5 years so I know how it is. The day I quit interrupting my clients to answer the phone and quit running behind because I had to book appointments and quit losing clients because I was so backed up I couldn't give them that undivided attention. That's when I saw the light. I couldn't afford not to have one. I didn't have to worry about how I was going to pay for her because she immediately paid fo...