Monthly Archives: January 2010

A Guide To Performance Management

Nowadays, a great significance is being given to Performance Management, as companies incorporate them in their effective management strategies. However, a lot of people find this process a complicated one, mostly because of the many options that it offers – on the organization, a specific department/branch, a product or service, and on employees, among others. In order to minimize this confusion, the items below will give you a general idea of what Performance Management...

Why Failing In Your Home Business Is The Key To Your Success

"Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something." (Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido) Thomas Alva Edison failed in his experiment for thousands of times before he was able to invent the electric light bulb. Laurence Peter failed when more than 20 publishers rejected his book, "The Peter Principle," before it became a best-seller. Abraham Lincoln failed the bar exam, failed in several business ventures, and failed in six major elections before he was fina...

There’s No Money In Your Comfort Zone!

A fellow internet radio host recently joined the business mentoring website that I co-own with Alice Seba of Soon after, she sent me an instant message that said, “You and Alice are sure drawing me out of my comfort zone!” I understood immediately what she meant. In the short period of time since she joined our site, she has completely redesigned her website and stepped up on some of the business tools that she needed to make her business run more sm...

Why Do So Many Home Based Businesses Fail?

Have you tried running your own home based business before? If you have, you are probably aware that a large percentage of home based businesses fail within a year's time. For many entrepreneurs, it's much sooner. At the same time, you probably know that the average successful home based business entrepreneur makes more money than the average employee. How do the successful entrepreneurs do it? Why are they the minority? Well, the answer is quite simple. Each and every bus...

A Good Squeeze Is Hard To Find

Lead capture pages or "squeeze" pages are the best tools to use in a traffic exchange. That way, you can collect names and email addresses for your "list" of potential customers. You know the saying--"The Money Is In the List." But, do you know how to build a squeeze page? A “please sign up,” and a fill-in form won’t get you many (if any) sign-ups. Here are some hints: First, you need to intrigue viewers to get their information. If you’re offering a free newsletter, th...

Bonuses & Benefits – A Short Refresher

What's the difference between a "bonus" and a "benefit"? It's simple. A benefit is something that is a part of the product you are selling (or the service); and a bonus is the "more than my job's worth" EXTRA component that has actually nothing to do whatsoever with the product you are selling. Now, it is true that bonuses can have benefits; they SHOULD have benefits and you should tell people about those benefits, else it isn't a bonus and completely worthless, b...