Monthly Archives: January 2010

8 Golden Techniques To Get People To Love The Rules

Different things motivate different folks. Some people are motivated to enhance their appearance while others are motivated by prestige or sexual conquest. Others are motivated by money. When it comes to work, many people are not motivated to do much of anything except show up and collect a paycheck. It is our job as managers to create an environment in which employees are inspired to do a better job and forge. A recent Gallop Poll stated that about 20% of people queried d...

Why choose MLM Leads?

When you are starting a home based business or any other type of new company, you will find that you will have to start somewhere with clients. You will have to find a way to get more and more clients and this is the way to start.

7 Ways To Be Unreasonable

First decide what you really want to do. What would make work worth working at and life worth living. Then figure out how to do it. Most people look to what they know they CAN do as a guide to what they WILL do; I think to get anything important done in the world, you have to look towards what you WANT to do, and then figure out how to do it. When most people think about what they are committed to, they consider where they can build a bridge to from where they already ...

Have You Lost Your Focus?

I believe that one of the key causes of failure of online businesses in their first year is the lack of focus by the owner. There are literally so many things to do in the day that it’s hard to decide which one of the mile-long list is the best task to tackle first.

Quality Management: Organizational Needs

Any business out there can benefit from quality management. Whether you are producing thumb tacks or if you are producing IT equipment, there is little doubt that they need to be of the highest levels of quality. Yet, as your business grows, you will find it farther and father difficult to manage quality management. Because it is so very important, though, you need to find a way to make sure it is dead on. What solutions are out there? You know that you need quality man...