Monthly Archives: January 2010

5 Great Reasons To Hire A Telecommuter

How would you like to hire someone that is more motivated and more qualified to do the work and costs you less than your average employee? No, I am not talking about hiring someone illegally. You can accomplish this simply by employing a telecommuter. Let’s take a look at 5 very good reasons, why it makes sense for you to consider telecommuting from an employer’s perspective. 1) Less Overhead How much is all this office space, furniture, computer equipment along with your...

Top Tips For CRM

Putting the customer right at the centre of the organization is the be-all and end-all of successful Customer Relationship Management (CRM). To do that you have to know what your customers really want and really think about your business and then use that to deliver better products and services, improve customer service and increase sales opportunities – yes CRM has a purpose it is not just a concept! Companies that invest in CRM systems can learn even more about their cus...

Getting Along with Critical People

We all have to deal with critical people at times. You know the type - the person who can spot a flaw from across the room, gives unsolicited advice, frequently complains and passes judgment, is negative and seems impossible to please. It can be quite challenging to get along with a critic, especially when we live, work or attend church with them. Learn practical strategies to help you get along better with critical people.

Top Tips For Setting Up A Beauty Salon

Setting up a beauty salon business is often the first brave step in the business world for many would-be entrepreneurs. Below we look at some basic top tips for setting up a beauty salon which should see you on your way. Setting up your own business is often a difficult decision. In fact, many people leave the relative comfort of a good job with a steady income when they decide to launch out alone. So why do they do it? Simply put, hair and beauty salons are big business. ...

Get Your Performance Appraisal Discussions Off To A Good Start (Part 1)

Too often, participants in performance appraisal meetings seem awkward and uncomfortable. To some extent, that’s unavoidable — it’s always a bit awkward for one person to deliver a formal assessment of the quality of work performed by another. But following some simple suggestions can eliminate a lot of the awkwardness in performance appraisal meetings. Here are a couple of tips that will help put both players at ease. (In Part 2 of this article, I’ll provide some addition...