Monthly Archives: January 2010

Why Bother Building A Brand?

At a conference in Dallas not long ago, a graphic designer from Kentucky and I sat down at a table where people were exchanging business cards. I looked at his logo, and he studied the name on my card. "I know that logo. We've been in touch in the past," I said. "That's right. I know your name," he said. Although we weren't able to pinpoint when or why we'd exchanged mail previously, we guessed it had been at least five years back. Neither one of us has an extraordin...

Trade Up or Trade Down for Business Success

In an age of mass differentiation and low cost chic, there has never being a worse time to be stuck in the middle. Consumers are abandoning mid-range products in their droves, often opting for cheaper alternatives and saving up to buy the occasional luxury. At one end of the scale thrifty customers are cutting costs by buying supermarket own brand goods, whilst at the other end easy access to credit makes it possible to trade up to a BMW rather than settle for a Ford Mondeo.

3 Ways To Protect Your Customers

Customer security is one of the prime considerations of any retail outlet today. Whilst implementing key marketing strategies in order to promote products and increase sales, retail managers also need to be thinking about how safe their customers feel in-store and ways they can improve the attractiveness of their space for shoppers. Lighting Good lighting is a key aspect of the customer experience. Stores require lighting that allows customers to see what they are doing...

What to Sell on Online Auctions

Let's consider a couple of variants. If you are an independent manufacturer, the choice of products is not a problem as you sell what you produce. Nevertheless, as a rule, you are not (well, actually you may sell some DIY stuff, but this is not the case of real trading via eBay, put selling single items and we are not interested in such sales).