Monthly Archives: January 2010

Customer Service Skills Training and ROI

Statistics consistently reinforce that the biggest challenge in today’s contact center environment is agent training. Turnover continues to be high; new hire costs are on the rise—I’ve seen anywhere from $6500 to $10,000 quoted per agent! At the same time, losing customers because of bad call experiences negatively impacts your bottom line. What can you do? How do you justify the training expenditure?

What Is A Career In Biotechnology Like?

Biotechnology is the integration of engineering and technology to the life sciences. Biotechnologists frequently use microorganisms or biological substances to perform specific processes or for manufacturing. Examples include the production of drugs, hormones, foods and converting waste products. There are many sub-branches involved in the biotech industry. A few of the more common branches include; molecular biology, genetic engineering, and cell biology. A new an...

Fax Advertising

To many people, fax advertising may seem like an archaic form of advertising. So many people turn to other forms of media for their new entertainment and information about what to buy and what not to buy that receiving an ad via fax may be ineffective...

Free Advertising Among The People You Know

Yes you can do it without being loathsome Parties are times of celebration. They can also be a fun opportunity to network with people you don't often get to meet or be with. This is the season for weddings, graduations, college reunions and family reunions. At these events, everyone knows why you are there. Take advantage of that connection. They know you in connection to the bridal couple at a wedding reception, the new graduate at the graduation party, your clas...