Monthly Archives: January 2010

Writing Cover Letters That Sizzle

Anything being sent to a decision-maker should sell you, not just state facts. When conducting a job search, your cover letter and resume are in a pile for the decision-maker to review, one by one, along with a vast number of other documents submitted by other hopeful individuals. The odds that YOUR document is the very first ones on the pile are about a zillion to one! This means the decision-maker has probably read X number of cover letters (and resumes) before reaching you...

Smart Advertising In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about the promotion of products of an online company. The affiliate sign-ups with the advertiser or marketing arm of the online company and the affiliate becomes an active searcher of potential clients. Such set-up of affiliate marketing can become easily successful if the affiliate is aware of the importance of advertising. Advertising is the means to make a great portion of the consuming public become aware of a certain product or service. Thus...

Business Stationery

Business Stationery is meant for commercial and official correspondence and usage. It can range from paper products like letterheads, business cards, notes, labels, memos, computer sheets, typewriter stationery, checks and forms to other items like pens, folders, writing pads, clips, adhesives, tapes and highlighters.