Monthly Archives: January 2010

Closing in on Effective Advertising

You’re spending a ton on advertising and you’re just not getting the results you expected. Customers aren’t calling. Nobody knows who you are. Or worse yet, they’re confusing you with your competition. Is it the writing? The design? The positioning? Here’s an unusual approach to closing in on why your ads aren’t working.

Want The Best Advertising Bang For Your… Free?

New marketers often come online, hoping to make their fortune, but the success rate is slim. According to Ken McArthur at, it’s only 5%. The reasons for that difference between the successful and the unsuccessful are myriad, but one reason is that folks don’t advertise enough or in the right ways. Did you know that there are some great free ways to get all the visitors you need? The best free advertising online today comes from three distinct practice...

Ethically Sourced Flowers

Flowers epitomise emotion and can have a very beneficial impact on people. Wouldn’t it be even better if people were able to confidently buy sustainable, ethically-sourced flowers to communicate their feelings? This article highlights the importance of buying ethically sourced flowers, while detailing the European initiative, Fair Flowers Fair Plants.

Your Resume: Admission Ticket Through The Door Of Your Future Work Place

Your resume should be viewed and handled as if it is an airline ticket to your destination of choice. This may just be a piece of paper with words on it, and it may not reveal who you are personally but it is the only means by which you are going to get to the interview (your destination) so in that regard it is just as important as the interview is. Therefore you need to use this document to gain the reader’s trust and not provide any source of hesitation. As a former emp...