Monthly Archives: January 2010

What’s changing in Customer Service? The top 5 new things that customers want.

Good customer service is paramount to growing a business and increasing profitability. What many managers are failing to realize, however, is that rapid changes in technology have lead to equally rapid changes in the delivery of quality customer service. In addition to the basics, here are five new areas of customer service that must be addressed to keep customers happy.

Types Of Paper In Catalog Printing

There are many things that are important to catalog design. Your images must be sharp and appealing. Your text and even the font you use for the text is important. The cover page design and the design of your catalog’s product pages all play important roles in designing a catalog that will bring in new customers and sales. However none of the things mentioned above are more important than the type of paper you will choose to print your catalog on. The “feel” of your catalo...

Fax Advertising

To many people, fax advertising may seem like an archaic form of advertising. So many people turn to other forms of media for their new entertainment and information about what to buy and what not to buy that receiving an ad via fax may be ineffective...