Monthly Archives: January 2010

How About Some Customer Service. Please!!

Communication is one of the most important industries in the world. People have a need to talk, to get in touch with their friends and family, no matter where they are in the world. We started with letters sent with any individual traveling in that direction, which progressed to the postal system. With the advent of the Internet, we exchanged snail mail for email and later instant messengers Somehow though, it just wasn’t enough. We needed to hear their voices not just rea...

Why Do You Need To Join An Affiliate Marketing Network?

Affiliate marketing is the latest trend online. With so many products to sell and services to offer, sometimes displaying it on one site isn’t enough. Thus, advertisers or merchants need affiliates, some sites which are willing to display ads for a particular cost. On the other hand, this is an opportunity for potential affiliates to earn extra income online.