Monthly Archives: January 2010

Great Franchise Opportunities

If you are thinking of setting up a small business yet you are still unsure of what you exactly want to do or are scared to death of not being able to generate good business, then you must try looking into these franchise opportunities and choose the right one that will suit your taste and budget. An important factor to take in consideration is your ability to actually run your chosen franchise opportunity efficiently and successfully. One of the most popular franchise op...

What’s On Your Business Card?

It May Be Small, But It’s So Powerful...Your Business Card! If you’re like most professionals, you have a business card. But, what does your business card *do* for you? “Do”? Yes, that’s right; what does your business card *do* for you? Does it help to actively create more business for you or does it sit—like most business cards—in a big stack of other business cards that nobody ever looks at? If you want to maximize your marketing strategy into all areas of yo...

Interviewing: How to Know the Salary to Ask For

If you are thinking of applying for a new job in the near future or planning to ask for a raise, you have to calculate how much you are worth. What is the value of your skills, ability and work ethic? Knowing what others consider that the penalty is perhaps the single most important negotiating tool you have when asking for a raise or applying for a new job. Here is how to determine what they deserve out in the open market.

Women in advertising

Men and women are different. It was designed by nature like this and there is nothing wrong about it as they perfectly supplement each other. There are stable images of men and women roles in the society, which are very difficult to change or overcome...

Higher Returns With Entrepreneurial Investing

Long-term investing in the stock market can offer a passive return around 5-8% if you remain invested for 30 years; but, unfortunately, that return is before taxes and inflation. This is so low because the company founders, backers, early investors, investment bankers, etc., have removed all foreseeable profit from the company before it is ever offered to the public market. There is a spectrum of investments available to you that is dependent on how much effort you are willin...

Internet Answering Service

Though most people are now turning to wireless, DSL, and broadband connections for their Internet access, those with dial-up modems still know how, occasionally, you can miss a call from someone important while surfing the web. That’s where an Internet answering service comes in.