Monthly Archives: January 2010

Web Site Promotion Ideas for Small Businesses

You’ve already figured out that your small business needs a web site to compete with the big boys and maintain every aspect of your relationship with your customers. But once you have your web site up and running, you’ll need web site promotion ideas so that people know about your web site. After all, no one will visit your web site if they don’t know it exists.

Don’t Stop Short of The Gold

How many times have you started out with the purest of intentions to fulfill a goal, only to find yourself quitting before you reached it? As you look back, do you imagine where you'd be today if you had accomplished it? What if you were only three steps away from making it happen before you quit? If you could go back in time, what would you do differently to make sure you took those three final steps?

When Customers Complain

You probably won't have been in business too long before you get your first complaint. It just can't help but happen: low-end customers pay nothing and expect the Earth, while high-end ones pay a lot but expect an inhuman effort in return. You just can't please all of the people all of the time, even if you run yourself ragged trying -- there will always be someone who's not happy with what you've done. So what can you do about it? Don't Be Rude or Dismissive. The custo...

Your Job Is Not Necessarily For Life. Should You Switch Careers?

Executive search firms regularly come across people who have decided to switch careers. There was a time where you chose your profession and stuck with it until retirement and many people still follow that path. An increasing number of people, however, are deciding to give up their first choice and try something new. For many, it is a move to a new country, or an exploration of a new skill, but for others, it’s moving the skills they already have to a new sector. If you’re...