Monthly Archives: January 2010

What Is Marketing?

To too many people marketing equates to one of two things: - Selling: with all that entails such as the dreaded double-glazing or financial salesman. - Advertising: with all that entails such as the slick young creative and smarmy account person. Of course marketing also encompasses these functions – though, hopefully not as in the stereotypes that are in so many minds – but marketing is about a great deal more than just selling or advertising. Marketing is the wide...

A Phone by Any Other Name…

I recently left the company I was working for and took a new position with a new employer at a much higher salary. My business is IT, and I left the comfort and stabilty of my old job to work for a startup firm which I think will be a big success. They knew they were going to have to pay for quality personnel so they had no problem meeting my demands in terms of salary, benefits and stock options. What I didn't realize is that while they aren't skimping on compensation, the office environment they provide leaves a lot to be desired.

Seven Tips for Marketing Yourself

During the real estate boom, agents might have been able to get their listings sold merely be hammering a sign into the ground. Now agents are seeing their listings staying on the market longer, so even those with years of experience must face facts. To stay in business, you need to become a pro at selling yourself to sellers besieged with marketing messages. "A lot of people are brand new to this," says Betty Wilson, owner & broker for Wilson Realtors in Orlando, FL.

A small Small Business summary

Small business is a term that is used day-to-day. That is because in the past decade the rise of small business has been larger than in any other decade prior. This is largely due to the increasing number of services that are available to small business owners, to enable them to keep their business running.