Monthly Archives: January 2010

Changing Web Marketing Scenario

Search engine optimization in old days was just meant to propel the website in top of search engine listings. In these changing times it is the customer who decides what he wants rather than companies deciding what to give him. Hence, SEO done the old way might get you visitors but not the targeted conversions. This article discusses a few points which should be followed while doing not only SEO but any kind of web marketing.

The Best Help Desks On The Internet

If you are having a technical issue with your computer, and you need assistance, your best bet is to call your manufacturers technical support line. In most cases, technical support is part of the package when you first purchased your computer. If, for some reason, you are unable to use your computer manufacturers help desk services, here are a few free help desk sites on the Internet. Tech Support Guy claims to be the #1 tech support site on the web and can be found at...

Retail Store U-Scan Machines: Self-Serve or Voluntary Part Time Job?

Do many of us realize that we are working an unpaid part time job for the grocery stores and some home appliance stores? We are ringing up our own goods, are not getting any price discount for doing so and are saving these retailers money. Each self-serve lane contains two to three self-serve scanners. Retailers have an average of two to four self-serve lanes. Retailers are saving each store an average of four to eight cashiers’ salaries per store. One attendant is assigned to these self-service machines. Hypothetically, if stores are paying full time cashiers $7 per hour, they are now saving $14,000 annually in wage expenses for each cashier that they do not have to hire. Multiplied by four to eight cashiers, each store saves $56,000 to $112,000 per year on wage expenses. This simple calculation does not even count other benefits that companies pay to their cashiers, such as healthcare, vacation pay, sick pay, 401(k), pension benefits and tuition assistance.