Monthly Archives: January 2010

Business Stationery

Business Stationery is meant for commercial and official correspondence and usage. It can range from paper products like letterheads, business cards, notes, labels, memos, computer sheets, typewriter stationery, checks and forms to other items like pens, folders, writing pads, clips, adhesives, tapes and highlighters.

Classified Advertising in Local Markets

Even with the growth of online classifieds, newspaper classifieds are still the preferred method of advertising for many wishing to sell unwanted items. Most newspapers have a large local circulation and the chances of completing a sale through the newspaper greatly increase since the product can easily be obtained. Advertising in the newspaper classifieds and locating a buyer within your locality can very well be the key to a successful transaction.

Unique Consulting Services

Need advice? Need help in conquering a particular challenge? Hire a consultant! Professional consulting has become one of the fastest-growing segments of our society. What do consultants do? They provide information and advice in exchange for a fee. They can be found under a variety of names: accountant, psychologist, architect, designer,attorney, consulting engineer. Almost everyone within a society uses their services in one way or another. What each of these consult...

The Missing Link

You have spent a lot of time creating an online presence. You have virus protection and maybe a firewall to protect the security of your system, you have located a web host to manage your online presence, then you define the direction of your site and work at developing a look that is appealing and a format that is easy to navigate.

Closing in on Effective Advertising

You’re spending a ton on advertising and you’re just not getting the results you expected. Customers aren’t calling. Nobody knows who you are. Or worse yet, they’re confusing you with your competition. Is it the writing? The design? The positioning? Here’s an unusual approach to closing in on why your ads aren’t working.

Is Your Teen An Entrepreneur?

Are you hoping you've got your own Bill Gates in the making in your home? As a parent you can probably tell pretty easily whether or not the entrepreneurial spirit is evident in your child. Some kids make it very obvious that the regular nine-to-five will not be a part of their future. For others, you might need to investigate a bit further to see. Ask these simple questions about your teen to see if your teen has the entrepreneurial spirit. If your answer is "yes" to one ...