Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Missing Link

You have spent a lot of time creating an online presence. You have virus protection and maybe a firewall to protect the security of your system, you have located a web host to manage your online presence, then you define the direction of your site and work at developing a look that is appealing and a format that is easy to navigate.

Promotional Pens: Writing Your Edge In Business

Pens are used by almost everybody, from students, professionals, housewives, company executives and virtually in any type of job. Therefore making a promotional pen that contains the company logo, a product name, a company design and any marketing idea that a company wants the public to see is definitely effective. It reminds your customer of your company each time the pen is used. Promotional pens could be used as low-cost promo at the point of sale or as a better-quality pr...

10 ways to identify if your public relations company is right for you

PR plays a key function in a successful business. And for PR to be productive you will need to trust more than friendship or basic instincts in choosing an “ideal” PR company. Since public relations are about communication and steering the company towards realistic targets, you must consider a number or crucial and tangible issues.