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Tips for Group Discussions

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Important points to remember while in a group discussion:

  1. Eye contact: Most people consciously or sub-consciously tend to look at the evaluators while they are involved in the discussion. You must understand that you are being evaluated on how you communicate with the members of the group and not with the evaluators. Hence you must remember to make eye contact with all the group members. It is a very important aspect of communication and creates interest in others regarding what you are saying.
  2. Initiate the discussion: To be able to initiate a group discussion is a big plus in the evaluation process. However, before you decide to initiate the discussion, make sure you understand and are completely aware of the subject to be discussed. Speaking without any knowledge could prove damaging.
  3. Make clear statements: A group discussion is conducted to evaluate how well you can communicate with others and not to know your vocabulary power. Make use of simple words and keep your sentences sans complexity. You should aim to be understood by the rest of the members and not to confuse them.
  4. Give others a chance to speak: Speaking the most will not necessarily determine that you are the smartest and the best communicator. Make way for others and do not interrupt them. Interruption is not only bad manners but it also exhibits the fact that your are not a good listener and do not value what others have to say. Give them a chance to voice their opinions in a polite manner. You may have sufficient knowledge in the subject being discussed but others may have as well. Giving them an opportunity to speak will give out a positive impression about you.
  5. Be a good listener: Whether you agree or not to the person speaking, listen carefully to what he or she is saying. Pay attention and be alert. Important points may be voiced and it is always wise to jot down notes which you can later speak about when your chance comes. Many are so engrossed in thinking about what to say when their turn comes, that they usually miss vital pieces of information that are being discussed. Listen to others and what you need to say will automatically follow.
  6. Do not maintain an aggressive attitude: To think that a group discussion is a battle ground for titans is entirely wrong. You are going to be assessed according to your level of patience, calm, interest in what others have to say, the way you handle disagreement and so on. You need to be polite and respect others views. The idea is to eventually stand on common ground or come to an understanding and this can only be achieved with sobriety.
  7. Bring discussion on track: Should the team divert from the main topic, make sure to take the initiative to bring everybody on track. The discussion must come to a proper, logical, culmination and it would be to your best advantage to help it happen.
  8. Maintain a positive attitude and speak sensibly: Being aggressive, speaking the most, and dominating the entire group is going to get you nowhere. You statements conveyed in a brief and logical manner, your patience, your pleasant mannerisms combined with your confidence to be a part of the group and not against it, will lead to success in a group discussion held for admissions in an institute or during your job search pursuits.

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Tips for Group Discussions by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes