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Getting a Job after a Bad Conduct Discharge

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However, if the person is actually atoning for the past event, these further difficulties might make it difficult for them to have a new life.

A bad conduct discharge is applied to people who were in the armed forces or the military and they were discharged on accounts of bad conducts or criminal offences and they are therefore fired or court martial in extreme cases. However, as mentioned earlier that life does not stop and therefore, these people also need to make a life out of theirs.

Is it possible for someone who has that kind of a stain on their portfolio to land a decent job? Well, it is difficult true, but it is definitely not impossible. There are a few steps though that such a person would have to take and first and foremost they have to be brave and they should want to start a new chapter in their lives too.

The situation of the discharge needs to be assessed and if it were a non criminal discharge, the person should get the exact statement of the discharge and use it in their portfolios to show that they were not fired on criminal offence.
They should also look into upgrading their status and they should apply to the VA for the same. It is advisable that they should lead a period of exemplary life for some time before applying to the military for a reassessment of their case.

They should also make sure that their portfolio should also hold all the good qualities of their performance and tenure in the forces and the skills acquired during their stint with the military. The employers should never be kept in the dark and most small business concern would not even mind this so much.

However, the people should be honest with their discharge status and they should make sure that they have papers to reveal that they have turned over a new leaf in their lives. For example if they were discharged on the basis of drug abuse, they should make sure that they document their rehabilitation period and they should also get involved in charities regarding drug abuse.

The people should be prepared to answer questions regarding their situation and they should not fumble or jitter during answering. They can also look into the option of opening their own business and they can also get properly educated about the computer and get well versed with the internet to start ventures online that would not require them to confront their past so often and they can easily work from wherever they want to and get a chance at making a new life for themselves.

Getting a Job after a Bad Conduct Discharge by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes