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PR Employment – Top 10 PR Employment Opportunities

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Public Relation Top Job #1: Advertising PR Jobs
Take this for a sample – more than 95% of Google’s revenues come from advertising alone! That is a huge figure considering Google’s annual turnover! And when a ‘public relations’ part is amalgamated with that, the advertising sector becomes even more challenging, high paying and of course, lucrative! For the best brains in the industry, advertising PR jobs are surely a way to go!

Public Relation Top Job #2: Marketing PR Jobs
PR has always been a part of marketing but when the sole importance of public relations was realized, it was transformed into something different! With the dual workload of marketing and PR, you’re sure to remain in the hot-seat and one of the most prized seats in the corporate ladder!

Public Relation Top Job #3: Communications
The world has literally become a smaller place thanks to the overwhelming impetus to communication development. You have to have a humane touch with the communications to enable your company to grab a bigger market share!

Public Relation Top Job #4: PR Attorney Jobs
Since businesses are growing fast and declaring bankruptcy faster than the former (no pun intended!), it has become essential to hire PR attorneys to upkeep the sanctity and sanity of the company (read: the top management)! Hence PR attorneys are handsomely paid for their endeavors!

Public Relation Top Job #5: PR Management Jobs
When one talks to management, they are in a kind generalizing the whole concept. Management may include marketing and advertising as well but the management guys are overlords of the whole operating process! Not getting too much into the technical details but still managing to steer the company is their biggest strengths!

Public Relation Top Job #6: PR Recruitment Jobs
Companies admit that day by day it is getting more difficult to find good PR professionals who would really keep still and not switch jobs so frequently. Therefore if you’re an experienced person, a lucrative offer may be made to you to join the recruitment division of the company!

Public Relation Top Job #7: Medical PR Jobs
Medicine is attracting a lot of investments and it is no wonder that medical PR professionals are also cashing on the phenomena!

Public Relation Top Job #8: Consultancy PR Jobs
With more and more companies looking to outsource the immense workload to further economize things, outsourced PR jobs have become a hot find in the market! A great career avenue for sure!

Public Relation Top Job #9: Self Employment in PR
Like what has been discussed in the previous point, you can open a consultancy firm that would get a lot of outsourced PR jobs and assignments. A handsome proposal where you’re your own boss!

Public Relation Top Job #10: Foreign Student PR Official
Globalization on their lips and fatter purses, foreign students are flooding campuses- this creates a need for a PR official at the foreign students section; a silent but definitely rising field in PR employment!

PR Employment - Top 10 PR Employment Opportunities by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes