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Myths about Accountant Jobs

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Myth 1

A lot of people think that accountant work is all about math. This however is not true. You should not think that it will be possible for an accountant to do tedious sums in mind just because he is an accountant. True he works with numbers but there is a lot more to that. He works with the analysis of financial reports; his work is concerned with the research of several aspects of a report.

If you enjoy solving mystery regarding numbers, you will enjoy being an accountant. An accountant is more often concerned with the solving of a puzzle than with counting numbers. He is not a mathematician. He uses the science of analytics to tell his employer what the numbers mean.

Myth 2

If you are looking for accountant employment, you should also know that accountants are NOT necessarily Tax Preparers. Often people think that all accountants are tax preparers and vice versa. But this is not so. Some accountants might be required to do some tax preparation but that is only part of the job. Accounting involves a lot of other work like auditing and investment analytics.

Some accountants might be required in private companies to check their financial records while others may work in fraud examination. A person can only be called an accountant when he has the necessary degrees and experience.

Myth 3

The third myth about accounting employment is that it is a place for men only. This is the era of globalization. Age old rules have no place here anymore. Women can balance their work with their home equally and far better than men now. They are able to bring the best out of their work.

In fact, most of the companies have a fifty-fifty ratio or more of women to men. So do not for once think that your gender is going to give you a privilege in your work place. Accounting jobs are meant equally for both the sexes and if numbers and analytics of numbers fascinate you, then you should definitely consider joining this field.

Myth 4

Last but not the least, a strong myth surrounding accountant jobs is that they do not have to deal with people. All they do is sit at a corner all day long and crunch numbers. This is NOT TRUE. Even the simplest of tax accountants have to be a people’s person. He has to deal with his clients on a regular basis.

Many times you have to explain complex accounting procedures to your clients in simple language, so you better be an extrovert if you want to go high places in this field. It is also important to maintain a cordial relationship with your colleagues. Networking can take you places in the corporate accounting world.

These are some of the myths accountant jobs are shrouded with and you need to steer free of these if you want to build a career in this field.

Myths about Accountant Jobs by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes