Monthly Archives: June 2010

Jobs at Home – Top 5 Warning Signs for Work at Home Scams and How to Spot Them

Every good thing comes with an additional baggage that is not in interest of the person being benefitted. This is a rule of the nature. Interestingly, this is also seen as a part of the human nature. With the creation of the internet, there came a lot of unwanted stuff also; in perspective of job search – scams and rip-offs that claim to provide you with easy money just by sitting at home!

Find a Job – How Not to Find a Job

You will find numerous articles on the internet on finding jobs. But the paradox is that most of us those articles with such a mindset that actually works against your chances to find a job in reality! Here are some top tips to sabotage your chances of finding a job. Statutory Warning – Follow them only when you do not want to engage/ commit yourself to any kind of job.

Human resource works and jobs

Human resources job profiles and works are unfortunately one type of job or profile which is most often found to be highly misunderstood and misinterpreted. Few think that it requires hardly any effort; the person enjoys absolute authority of making and breaking the lives and careers of many aspiring people. They are just sitting out there to hire and fire people whenever required without much explanation and logic and they really have to do nothing too significant and acts of welfare for the company.

Employment Search – 7 Steps to Finding a Job Opportunity

People around the world are trying to cash-in on the new arena of job availability – the internet. The internet is currently the hottest place to find jobs easily; the shut shops of old-fashioned employment exchanges bear a testimonial to this. However with everybody using the internet as a common ground, things are expected to become competitive even further. Whatever be the case, the internet is sure to reign even in the future when it comes to finding jobs.