Monthly Archives: June 2010

Myths about Accountant Jobs

With the increase in accountant jobs, there has also been a rise in the number of myths surrounding these jobs. If you want to be in this field, it is important that you clear yourself out from these myths early on. Otherwise it will become very difficult for you to survive here. In this article, we talk of some of the basic myths surrounding this career.

Marketing Manager Jobs – Top 10 Tips for Working as a Manager

A marketing manager job is like an icing on the cake! As it is marketing jobs are so lucrative and to top it all, working as a manager in the marketing division is what an amateur dreams of! Having proved yourself with experience and competence, it is now time to brace up yourself with a new responsibility. But how ready are you for it? Here’s a lowdown on how to beat job stress when employed as a marketing manager!

Biotech Pharmaceutical Sales Jobs

Biotech pharmaceutical work includes a huge paradigm of jobs since the industry makes new discoveries every now and then and is dynamic in its progress. These new discoveries, patents etc need to be noticed and remembered by the employees of this industry and this requires some special skills on the part of the worker.

Pharmaceutical Sales Reps

Pharmaceutical sales jobs come within the paradigm of healthcare industry. The pharmaceuticals include many subdivisions like the biopharma, biotech, med delivery etc. it is not too hard to get into this industry but sure requires some qualifications and skills for the entry and for sticking along.

Finance Jobs – How to Succeed in Finance

Finance jobs are very appealing to a lot of people because of the flexible work hours, the chance to work from anywhere you are as well as the chance to have a long harem of clients. But if you are a tiny fish in a big pond then succeeding can be a difficult thing. Because of this, you will have to know the tricks of the trade. Where will you find those, you ask? Well, you're in luck; here we let you in on a few secrets to succeeding in the world of finance.