Yearly Archives: 2010

Jobs in HR – How to Effectively Choose a Career Opportunity in HR

Just a year ago the world went through a great turmoil. The economies of the various countries were badly hit and it created a lot tension among the company owners as well as the employees. Lots of people even had to lose their jobs because of this. But now the situation is under control and lots of employments are being created.

How to get accounting executive jobs

Accounting job opportunities in US is really not bad, the employment in terms of accounting executive jobs are anything but bleak. Usually it’s quite easy to find people who are into posting local advertisement looking for competent and highly qualified personnel. can be a real good source for job in executive accounting.

Accounting project manager job profile

Depending on the type and functions of industries the accounting project manager job profile can change its role. In a corporate firm the accounting manager will have to focus on the works of sales or at least he or she should focus on the works of accounting. Without true hard work and unquestioned dedication, it would be almost impossible to maintain this special position in the company for a very long period of time. One must understand that this position is highly respected and in most companies the compensation provided would be truly good and up to the mark. So one must strive hard to maintain his position and soar high.

Job Search – How and Where to Seek a Job Effectively

With unemployment rates rising and the recession market affecting jobs it has become difficult to procure a job that provides security and stability (financial). Quoting from the Hindu scriptures – ‘Nothing is stable, everything keeps on changing’; the same can be said about the job scenario today. This has resulted in a confused crowd where people do not know what to do with their degrees and experience in hand. Better still; the confusion is regarding – where to apply! Not that there is a dearth of newer avenues, but everything seems to be saturated and hugely competitive. Hence, a mix of attitude and expertise, coupled with a mindset of working smart is required that will help you find a job that suits you.

Jobs in Advertising – 7 Steps to Creating an Impressive Advertisement

1. Concentrate on the basics: As some would say, K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid! Advertising is all about impressing people and what a better way to impress your target audience by flattering them, though flattering advertisements are not always the best way to attract the right attention. An advertisement should be something that catches the imagination of the people, such that it completely resides in their sub-conscious mind. Advertisements therefore have to simple, yet catchy.

Construction Worker Jobs – Myths about Working in Construction Jobs

What is the first picture that comes to your mind when you think of the construction worker? Invariably, it is an image of a rugged man with tools, strong hands, wearing a helmet and perched precariously on top of a high rise being constructed! Yes, the construction worker has been stereotyped a lot, but is it all that a construction worker does or can do? There are some myths to be busted about construction worker jobs and getting one.

HR Jobs in Washington DC

Are you looking for HR jobs in Washington DC? This is the capital of the United States from 16 July 1790. The D.C in Washington DC refers to the District of Columbia as the formal name. This is one of the best hubs for different kinds of work such as law, politics and different companies.