Yearly Archives: 2010

Attorney Jobs – How to be a More Effective Attorney

• Keep Updated: A best attorney (or even a lawyer) is one who keeps abreast of the latest developments in the legal field. Every day, proposals are being mooted to modify laws and rectify them for future corrective action – a good attorney must keep themselves informed about the same; it does not matter whether it is directly related to their job. Drawing parallels in cases identical to each other and quoting of the law and verdict used are not uncommon for attorneys. Therefore you would do a really good job if you kept yourself updated.

Jobs in Marketing – How to Succeed in Marketing

Jobs in marketing, advertising, public relations, etc. are currently regarded as the hottest jobs on the planet. Not just because of the fat pay packet that is offered but it is also the scope of work and personal growth that is driving the youth today to take up jobs in the marketing and other mentioned sectors. Marketing, of all the sectors is the most intriguing and highly interesting job at the same time. As they say in their marketing language – It is the job that transforms a layman to a marketing expert and nothing is more important than the marketing exposure itself!

Advertising PR Jobs – Tips for Seeking Out PR Opportunities

Since when did advertising and PR became related to each other? This is what many of you might think when you have a look at the title of the article. The essential point is – PR was never something different from advertising. In fact, advertising is an offshoot of the bigger picture known as public relations. If you’re following current advertisement trends, they are very short and quite innovative.

Public Relations Jobs – How to Succeed in Public Relations

Public relations’ jobs are touted to be the most difficult jobs in the world partly because of the reason that life at the top is quite different and more because of the reason that you need to be a really good people manager. Yes, it is more about a people manager than anything else that will define your career in a public relations job.

Jobs in Public Relations – How to Succeed in Public Relations

Succeeding in public relation jobs are very subjective and vary from company to company and individual to another. But interestingly, the core values and competencies remain the same, however much the situation might vary. Successful public relation job holders are the people who are great manipulators with a humane and moral side. Of recent due to the increasing greed of money, the PR job at some corporate setups has been criticized as being more as a lobbyist job, but that is entirely different from what is being spoken about here. Those lobbyists cannot be called PR managers because they are doing something immoral/unethical to boost up their business. There is no ‘public’ there; it is just the company and the authority.

PR Jobs – How to Succeed in PR

In those days when there was a single company producing things, the market was a monopolistic one. Whether the public liked it or not, they had to buy goods and services offered by the concerned authority. Slowly after markets got freed up, competition started increasing and that was the end of the monopolist reign – in simple words that was a death blow to monopolist anarchy. As competition in the market increased, companies started looking for more profits in goods and that they realized can only be brought about by winning over the consumer rather than increasing the price of things.